Required packages and data#

If you are running these practicals on your own laptop then you will need to install quite a few packages to get the code to run

Required packages#

The following sections give the core packages required and then practical specific packages.

Core GIS function and data packages#

install.packages('terra')    # Core raster GIS data package
install.packages('sf')       # Core vector GIS data package
install.packages('raster')   # Older raster GIS package required by some packages
install.packages('geodata')  # Data downloader

install.packages('sp')        # Older vector GIS package - replaced by sf in most cases
install.packages('rgdal')     # Interface to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
install.packages('lwgeom')    # Lightweight geometry engine

Practical 1#

install.packages('openxlsx')   # Read data from Excel 
install.packages('ggplot2')    # Plotting package
install.packages('gridExtra')  # Extensions to ggplot

Practical 2#

install.packages('dismo')      # Species distribution models

Practical 3#

install.packages('SpatialPack')  # Spatial clifford test
install.packages('spdep')        # Spatial dependence models
install.packages('spatialreg')   # Spatial regression using lags
install.packages('nlme')         # GLS models
install.packages('spgwr')        # Geographic weighted regression
install.packages('spmoran')      # Moran's I and Geary C

Landscape Ecology Week#


Required Data#

Download and extract the file into your R project working directory. This is a single large (~190 MB) file that contains all of the data required for all the practicals. The file will be available from the module Blackboard and/or Teams site.

Make sure that:

  • the resulting folder is called data and,

  • that your practical scripts are in the root of the project.

This should ensure that the paths used in the practical match your local setup.